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Raportarea la univers-de la știință la revelațiile mistice

În decursul mileniilor întrebările legate de Univers au fost o
constantă în gândirea umană. Omul a căutat să înțeleagă marile
mistere legate de propria ființă dar și de lumea în care trăiește,
elaborând concepte, teorii și modele care să-l ajute în încercarea sa
de a descrie într-un mod cât mai inteligibil Marele Mister al
Din vremea lui Democrit deja omul a știut că tot ceea ce îl
înconjoară este alcătuit din atomi, ba mai mult, chiar și sufletul este
constituit din același tip de particule. De atunci, pe parcursul a mai
mult de două mii de ani, gândirea umană a străbătut un drum extrem
de dificil, cel al cunoașterii, informațiile dobândite fiind uluitoare,
contribuind la aceasta atât știința cât și filosofia ori trăirile mistice.
La finalul acestui interval ajungem să credem, pe bună dreptate, că
noile teorii ale fizicii intră în consonanță cu tradițiile spirituale, cu
experiențele mistice orientale și occidentale. Tot acest efort uriaș al
inteligenței și spiritualității omului are, în ultimă instanță, un singur
țel: anume acela ar re-întâlnirii ființei umane cu Armonia Universală.

Along the millennia the questions about the Universe have been
constantly present in human thinking. Man tried to understand the
great mysteries connected to his own being as well as that of the
world he lives in, elaborating concepts, theories and models to help
him in the attempt to describe in an as intelligible as possible way the
Great Mystery of the Universe.
From the time of Democritus man had already known that
everything around is made of atoms, moreover, that even the soul is
made of similar type of particles. Since then, along the more than two
thousand years, human thinking has gone through a long and
extremely difficult process, that of knowledge, the information
achieved being amazing, to this contributing science, philosophy as
well as mystical experiences. At the end of this interval we have
reached the stage to believe with justification that the new theories
of physics are in consonance with the spiritual traditions, the oriental
and occidental mystical experiences. All this huge effort of man’s
intelligence and spirituality has ultimately a single aim: namely, the
human being’s re-encounter with Universal Harmony.


Relating to the Universe – from Science to Mystical Revelations

Starting from the last decades of the 19th century, science has taken an innovatory
trajectory as concerns the understanding and interpretation of the world. Especially the new
theories in physics have shown their effects concerning man’s capacity to perceive and
disclose the most profound aspects of material and spiritual life. Albert Einstein’s structuring
the basis of quantum physics represented a real change in the paradigm of modern sciences.
Starting hence, later on, the developments resulting in the elaboration of two new theories
followed: quantum electrodynamics and quantum chromodynamics. These two theoretical
approaches have allowed the elaboration of the most important construction of physics: the
standard model whose aim was the unification of the fundamental forces of nature. The
basic idea of the whole theory was that all the four forces in nature are in essence only
forms of manifestation of a single force. Thus, from this point of development of this theory
it has been easy to go forward, we would say almost naturally, relating quantum physics to
mystical experiences. In order to understand this statement that may seem hazardous, we
will sketch succintlty some of the basic ideas of quantum theory:
a) first of all let’s underline that quantum physics sustains (and demonstrates) that
any material system has a basic characteristic: the wave-particle duality. More exactly, the
electrons, which in the Newtonian theory appeared as particles, can behave as waves under
certain conditions, conforming to the laws of electromagnetics and not to those of classical
b) the totality of actions that are manifest in physics can be measured, and the
smallest ‟fragments” that cannot be divided are the ‟quantums”. The transition of an atom
from one state to another will be with the releasing of a quantity of quantum luminous
energy. Whenever there are interactions between the particles, then these appear as
connected through certain invisible links manifest in the entire environment. On a large
scale these invisible connections are so numerous that their analysis is to be made
c) a strange property is quantum ‟non-localization”. It is about the interaction
between particles at an enormous distance, phenomenon appearing as if these particles were
interconnected, but the connection between them is unknown. It is as if to say that there is
a ‟whole” that controls each particle in the universe through mechanisms which cannot be
desciphered. It could be stated simply (as there is also the demonstration of this fact2
accepted by scientists) that objective observation cannot be made because the observer, through his action of observing, changes the quantum status of the observed system. Within
the framework of the new concepts of quantum physics the intensity of the energetic field
does not matter anymore, what matters is only its form, namely its structure. In this way
any infinitesimal quantum field can affect a particle modifying its status. Thus intensity
does not matter, what matters is the presence or absence of that quantum field. It is not
necessary for the force to be active, it can exist as a potential, this potential being of utmost
importance in quantum physics.
Another important contribution to the fundamentation of the new relationships in
physics has been made by Albert Einstein who, with his well known formula E= mc2 , has
shown that mass is nothing else but energy in a state of rest. The theory of relativity
demonstrates that the mass of a particle has no relationship with substance (as it happens
in classical physics), mass being nothing else but a form of energy. While energy is a
dynamic gauge in correspondence with the processes of transformation, accordingly, a
particle cannot be imagined as a static object, but as a dynamic entity, thus as a process that
implies energy. The formation of particles from pure energy represents the essential
consequence of relativist physics. The demonstrations of quantum theory have supplanted
the classical concepts of solid body and the strict deterministic law showing that at
subatomic level the solid material bodies of classical Newtonian physics are actually
probability waves and these refer to the probability of interactions.
David Bohm, an important physicist of the 20th century, was very much preoccupied
with the realization of a connection between spirituality and quantum physics. He has
imposed the concept of “implicit order”, as fundamentfundament of his quantum theory.
According to this theory the entire universe is in a certain way ˮwarped”, it contains each
part of it and each part is ultimately a condensation of the entire universe. The universal
order can be revealed step by step, but the the way of understanding this order is only at its
beginning. Bohm is among the first scientists who have launched the hypothesis (actually
demonstrated) that there are multiple universes, beyond the physical or energetic level.
Bohm classifies the dimensions of the universe according to their „subtlety”. The
multidimensional reality is described in analogy with the holographic photography: the
holographic universe is made up of an infinity of dimensions which coexist and are
structures similar to the whole: the universe, having the same characteristics.
In the theory of the spatio-temporal continuum the physical universe is only a strictly
particular manifestation in time of the universe with an infinity of dimensions3. In this way
the fourth dimension represents the dimension of the objects and of the material space
perceived as an extension in time. Binary logic that is familiar to man cannot be applied
anymore. The awareness of other dimensions of reality is a phenomenon that can be
explained and does not belong to the domain of the esoteric. The experiences of expanded
consciousness have as their effect a transformation of the level of awareness – so it is not
reality that changes but the individual’s subjective perception.

A basic assertion in quantum physics is that reality is made up of an infinite number
of simultaneous universes. The connections between the dimensions are achieved with the
help of those ˮsingularities” of time-space, the so called ˮblack holes” in whose proximity
the laws of physics are strongly modified. Actually these black holes represent the points
of passage from one universe to another. By such a space-time anomaly consciousness can
make the passage from a tridimensional plane towards a quadridimensional one, this passage
could continue to a five dimensional plane etc. In the proximity of these points of connection
(or inflection) between the planes of the universe space and time undergo some observable
changes. If two gauges of equal length are taken and one is set in the proximity of the ˮblack
hole” then this will become significantly longer. The way time passes differently in a black
hole in comparison with its exterior, t leads to the production of phenomena which may
appear as strange. A referential system placed in a black hole will record the processes
around it as taking place with much higher speeds. Such experiments have been made in
the 20th century exactly in order to verify Einstein’s theory of generalized relativity.
According to the theoretical model proposed by Einstein there is no need to travel
with the speed of light because the so-called mini-black holes can be ˮaccessed” by
metamorphoses in the field of consciousness, points in which space vibrates with the speed
of light. And this possibility depends on the capacity to consciously use the fundamental
force that is at the basis of the universe.
According to R. Penrose, the fundamental structures of space-time are the ˮlight
cones”. They represent in essence the motion of light starting from a point but on an axis that contains also time, from past towards future. As the propagation of light appears both
in tridimensional space and in temporal dimension, the geometrical form that approximates
this extension of light is a cone. Inside generalized relativity these light cones are present
everywhere,in such a way that any particle has its own ˮlight cone” pointing from past to
future. A strange phenomenon appears when inside an intense gravitational field spacetime
curves and the future of a particle becomes its past, closed cyclical universes being
thus generated. We are in the situation of being confronted with a non-linearity of time. In
this situation the major modifications in the subjective perception of time can be produced
through changes in the structure of the observer’s consciousness. Thus time must not
necessarily flow with the same ˮvelocity” or in the same direction, being dependent on the
observer’s consciousness.
In nowadays science that is based on quantum type approaches, consciousness
cannot be understood anymore as a „field” but as a „quantum complexity”. Similarly the
brain is also a quantum system, thoughts or the reflexes of consciousness are in the same
way cerebral quantum events. From the perspective of this scientific approach the very
process of awareness can be viewed as a „quantum jump” from the separate cerebral
functioning of cerebral subsystems towards a unitary and synergetic structuring of these
systems. As a consequence of the passage to another cerebral level (following a „quantum
jump” the brain slides towards a higher (thus more complex) level of understanding, and
consciousness to a wider sphere of comprehension.
Quantum theory has found application also in other fields of science such as
psychology. The Romanian scientist I. Mânzat has brought an important contribution in
this field by developing a project of a quantum psychology.4 Nevertheless in this paper we
will not insist upon this subject that no doubt deserves to be tackled. Returning to our
analysis we underline, the way we have already shown, that nowadays science (structured
on the basis of quantum theory) has succeed to demonstrate that an infinite number of
universes exist simultaneously, the connection among them being achieved through certain
ˮsingularities” (ˮblack holes”) whose essence is actually light (more precisely luminous
energy). Consciousness, as basic element of the universe is part of these planes, as an
essential characteristic of each dimension. A wide scale application of the principles of
quantum physics can show the similarity between multidimensional universe and
multidimensional consciousness, starting from universes with primary structure (with a
simple consciousness attached to them) and up to complex integratory universes which
contain an infinite set of primary universes,with a corresponding expanded consciousness.
Another analysis that can be made, starting also from the complex theory of quantum
physics is the one that refers to the flow of time. Experimentally demonstrated by scientists,
the relativity of time has generated in human thinking a connection between the material
and the spiritual universe. From Einstein on space travel can be achieved, the only
impediment being the insufficient development of technologies and equipment that would
allow the movement of a vehicle with a speed close to that of light or the possibility to achieve a major amplification of the vibration frequency of the electromagnetic field (easier
to achieve nowadays).
The connection between the material and the spiritual universe could be better
understood paying attention to mathematical demonstrations and in the same time to
mystical revelations. Thus scientists state that ultimately everything is light, more or less
chained by the gravitational energy and thus slowed down to very low frequencies, from
pure light to dense matter. Mystics state that everything is solely Godly Light, more or less
arrested by matter. Physicists show (with the help of mathematics) that time travel is
possible as the unification of past-present-future, while mystics experience profoundly this
reality. A very interesting theory (even if controversial) has been elaborated by the French
physicist Robert Dutheil5, with his explanation of the super luminous universe. Dutheil’s
theory comes with an entire model that tries to explain the phenomenon of death and the
passage to another world or to another dimension. The extension of the theory of relativity
to luminous particles (tachyons) guided the scientist to a tripartite vision of the universe.
The sub-luminous universe, where time flows governed by separability and causality; the
luminous universe or the light wall, a border that delimitates the two universes; and the
third one, the supra-luminous universe, in which time does not flow anymore, governed by
instantaneity, eternity, non-separability and non-causality. In Dutheil’s theory the superluminous
universe would be the originary zone in which each individual consciousness
emerges in the moment of birth in order to evolve in an experience of reincarnation in a
body subject to the sub-luminous gravitational field. It could return there fugitively, in the
case of an accident such as close to death experience or any other kind of ˮmystical”
experience but total reintegration could be achieved only with the complete death of the
physical body. Then, according to this model postulated by Dutheil we can better understand
the idea of ˮoneness in the light” that ultimately represents a return to the primordial
universe (the super-luminous universe). In other words the model describes the possibility
to pass from one dimension into another, from one universe into another.
Ultimately both physicists and mystics are preoccupied with the same thing: the
attempt to understand the universe and the universal consciousness. Mystics describe those
astral worlds in which even thought moves too slowly. Physicists demonstrate the possibility
of existence in simultaneity of more planes of existence in the same space but with different
frequencies. We could say that in essence the world scientists describe is identical with that
perceived by great mystics.
As a basic principle of the Universe consciousness respects in totality its laws: the
multidimensionality of universe presupposes the multidimensionality of consciousness.
Consciousness is only one but it can be found in humans both in the form of selfconsciousness
and in the form of Cosmic Consciousness, with permanent access to past,
present and a more or less close future.
Instead of a conclusion we could once again underline that both science and mystical
experiences bring their contribution the noble effort of the human being’s re-encounter with Universal Harmony.

Mc Maughlin, Samuel – Dimensionality and States of Consciousness, in Handbook
of States of Consciousness, Van Noustrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1986.
Ion Mânzat, Psihologia Sinergetică, Editura Pro Humanitas, București, 1999.
Dutheil, Robert, Brigitte Dutheil, L’homme superlumineux, Ed. Sand, Paris, 1990.
Bohm, David, Hiley, B.J., The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation of
Quantum Theory, Routledge, London, 1993.
Nicolescu, Basarab, Noi, particula și lumea, Trad. V. Sporici, Ed. Polirom, Iași, 2002.
Lupașcu, Ștefan, Experiența microfizică și gândirea umană, Trad. V. Tonoiu, Ed.
Științifică, București, 1992


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