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Obiceiuri de iarnă în satul Seleuş – Banatul Sârbesc


This work presents romanian winter customs of village Seleus in Serbia. Most
important customs are Carols in Christmas Eve, also in Epiphany day, January the 6th and
the customs in Saint Ion`s Day,on january the 7th. It also describes costumes, masks and
accesories: sticks, bells, whips that possess strenght of removing evil spells. Work presents
religious customs celebrating winter, fast day and square meal of Christmas, Liturgia,
different faith and superstitions, children songs, fires infront of houses where familymembers
named Ion and visiting relatives with bags filled with presents.All these customs were richly
presented in the past, but today young people practice them because they bring joy and
delight . For other, winter customes are just the way to add money and food from hosts.


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