Câteva repere în cercetarea implicărilor folclorice în cântarea bănăţeană de strană prin intermediul structurilor şi sistemelor sonore

Few research benchmarks on the folk aspects induced via sonorous
structures and systems to the church canticles of Banat area
Analyzing the sonorous systems and structures and sometimes the modalities of cadence
(where it was necessary to be treated together with the sonorous systems or structures),
not in few times we can observe a similitude between some church canticles and folk music.
In some cases, the similitude is less visible when we talk about clear, compact structures,
without a functional incertitude. Where the sonorous content is reach, coexists the interval
of minor tierce and major tierce in comparison with the final of mode, coexist elements of the
various structures (Lydian, Mixolydian, Ionic, Aeolian, Doric, etc.), appear structures with
modified stairs, the approaches to folk music are more obvious.


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